June 15th, might have seemed like just another muggy summer day to many District residents and commuters, but for some of us who work on elder justice it was a very important day indeed. It was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
Read MoreIn anticipation of our Cornhole for a Cause fundraiser, we wanted to provide a Cornhole 101 to help you prepare!
Read MoreSo why did we even have a sexual assault awareness month?
Read MoreIn this field, saturated with the stress and disruption of trauma, “self care” gets thrown around almost constantly. We urge our clients to practice it and admonish our colleagues to make time for it -- but we’re not always that specific in what we mean by it. Just about anything that can cut stress, help someone to decompress, or be considered restorative might get thrown under the heading of self care.
Read MoreAs both Black History Month and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month come to a close, we want to pause at two intersections that shape both the Gender-Based Violence and Crime Victims' Rights Movements.
Read MoreFebruary--a month that bears an enduring association with all the sugar and spice of romantic love at its sweetest--has also been designated Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Read MoreWhile National Stalking Awareness Month is coming to a close, I want to share some information that will hopefully stay with you throughout the year.
Read MoreSee the auction items that will be available at Bowling for Charity on December 20th at Mustang Alley’s in Baltimore.
Read MoreWe’ve seen a lot of changes over the last year, and some of the most exciting have been welcoming new additions to the NVRDC team! From hearing what inspires them in their work to their thoughts on advocacy for crime victims, get to know some of these awesome people
Read MoreRead on to learn more about VLNDC!
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